Contains everything that you need to teach a course or unit in debate; complete day-to-day syllabus with lesson plans keyed to behavioral objectives; handouts and assignment sheets provided for all assignments. Topics covered include argument construction, flowing, using briefs, conducting research, preparing disadvantages and counterplans. Major sections on teaching policy and Lincoln-Douglas debate. More than 250 pages, presented in a 3-ring binder making it easy to copy assignment sheets and discussion guides.
Price: $99.95
This 40 page packet updates the Teacher’s Debate Course Resource Book for the Arctic Topic: "Resolved: The United States federal government should significantly increase its exploration and/or development of the Arctic." Includes a section on coaching debate outside the classroom.
Price: $50.00
Complete day-to-day syllabus with options for a semester course or a 6-week unit. Daily lesson plans provided complete with handouts. Lecture/discussion guides are provided for each unit. Grading rubrics are provided for each speaking assignment. Activities designed to eliminate stage fright. The STEP system makes organization easy. Eliminates the hassle of daily lesson plans. Special section on contest speaking, including extemporaneous speaking, oratory, and informative speaking.
Price: $89.95